SCREENchat #1: Media Censorship

22/23 July 1996

See below for a transcript of the chat.

A few of us SCREEN-L folks have been working on real-time Internet-based discussions on topics of interest to film/TV educators and students. We think we've come up with a workable method for doing this and have set a time (see below for different time zones) and a topic for our first SCREENchat:

Media Censorship

Australian members of SCREEN-L will be aware that Australia is experiencing an upheaval in censorship policy, in part provoked by the recent shootings in Tasmania. When the home of Martin Bryant was searched, 2000 videos were removed, which were widely reported in the media to be "violent". Accounts now differ, but at least one official source suggests that they were in fact a significant personal library of Classical Hollywood musicals and comedies ...

Nevertheless, the persistent connection of screen and actual violence means that we are seeing the introduction of the V-chip; the possible reclassification of violent films in MA categories into the R category; the possible reclassification of violent R-rated films into a banned category; and the possible overhaul of membership of the Office of Film and Literature Classification.

In the context of this last change, the Minister for Communications and the Arts argued recently that film and video classification should be carried out by "parents who are simply viewers", rather than "experts and so-called professionals" who have been made "cynical" by their exposure to "research" -- a fairly succinct dismissal of the value of screen education.

These views have been contested, but as they speak directly to the kinds of things that many of us are engaged in (and which therefore exclude us from speaking into the censorship debate!), some of us feel that we would particularly appreciate the opportunity to talk to US members of the list on this topic. In particular, but not exclusively:

Off-Topic Discussion

SCREENchat is not limited to the topic above or the time below.  Users are welcome to connect to SCREENchat at any time to discuss aspects of film studies.  And even during the time below it will be possible to conduct simultaneous discussions separate from this main topic.

Meeting Time(s)

We haven't quite worked out the best time for SCREENchat to be convened--the time that will accommodate most users worldwide--so next week's meeting time is something of an experiment:

Monday, 22 July 1996

7:00 p.m., Los Angeles

9:00 p.m., Tuscaloosa, Alabama (SCREENchat's home)

10:00 p.m., New York

11:00 p.m., Buenos Aires

Tuesday, 23 July 1996

3:00 a.m., London and, I believe, GMT

4:00 a.m., Paris, Stockholm

5:00 a.m., Cairo

10:00 a.m., Beijing

11:00 a.m., Tokyo

12:00 noon, Wollongong, Sydney


Kate Bowles (Screen Studies, University of Wollongong, and I have been the prime instigators of SCREENchat. If you have any thoughts or questions about it, please drop us a note.

Jeremy Butler
Telecommunication & Film/University of Alabama/Tuscaloosa

Chat Transcript

What follows is an unedited transcript of SCREENchat #1.  Before citing or quoting material from this chat you should get permission from the individual being cited/quoted.

Disclaimer:  The opinions expressed here are those of the individual participants and do not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of the University of Alabama.

ScottM [~sam13@] has joined #SCREENchat

Kate [~kb@] has joined #SCREENchat

<Jeremy> hey folks!

<ScottM> Yes, we're having trouble connecting one of the users.

<Kate> OK, on Jeremy's advice I'm going to duck out and duck back in again ... we'll see what happens. Meanwhile, J did you know you have 5 users listed but only 2 on a visible channel?

<Jeremy> Hmmm...

Kate [~kb@] has quit IRC (Leaving)

Aeon [~mb23@] has joined #SCREENchat

<Jeremy> Hey Aeon.

<Aeon> Jeremy>>Hey...not alot here hey?

<Jeremy> Nope...just getting started.

<Aeon> Hiya ScottM

Kate [~kb@] has joined #SCREENchat

Zoe [~zts01@] has joined #SCREENchat

<Jeremy> Welcome back, Kate....hey there Zoe.

<Zoe> hello!

<Aeon> Hiya Kate, Zoe...

<Kate> Hello!

<ScottM> Hello over there, Zoe

<Zoe> hi over there Scott.. so far away!

<Kate> Jeremy, did you find your other users?

<Jeremy> Nope.

Aeon is Mez..a voyeur screentalker

Jeremy sets mode: +o Kate

<ScottM> Scott is silent due to technical difficulties!

<Zoe> Zoe can vouch for that.

Kate looks sympathetically at ScottM

Jeremy wonders if his IRC server is misbehaving.

Aeon looks on ...

ScottM Scott is frustrated

<Aeon> ScottM>Hang in there..

<Jeremy> Hmmm...

<Jeremy> So, can we begin...or are folks still wrassling with tech problems?

<ScottM> O.K. Here's the skinny: one of our users is establishing a connection but it comes back with 'no connections available, and then logs off.

<Zoe> go for it.. i'm hassle free

<Kate> Jeremy, Marg is apparently getting the message "Server Connection Established, Closing Server Connection, and Server Connection Closed"

<Jeremy> No connections available?

<Kate> Which seems to be very similar to the problem Scott's helping with

<Jeremy> Okay, hold on everyone.

<Jeremy> I'm going to check the servers's config.

Aeon is hanging.....

<Jeremy> I had to reinstall the entire thing two hours ago...

Kate grips the desktop

ScottM is frustrated

<Jeremy> Okay, try now...

<Jeremy> Here come Glenn and Marg!

Marg [~ircle@] has joined #SCREENchat

<Kate> Marg's hammering at the portals as we speak

<ScottM> We should have connection!

<Jeremy> Ahhhhhh!

<Jeremy> Mea culpa, mea culpa!

<Jeremy> Here's the story:

<Marg> Thank Goodness!!

<Kate> What did you do??

<Jeremy> (then we can get down to biznez)

<Aeon> Cool..

<Jeremy> Three hours ago, my IRC server went down (for those who don't know, SCREENchat is hosted by the University of Alabama, Telecommunication and Film Dept.)

<Jeremy> A new version of the server software had been misbehaving.

<Jeremy> So, I REinstalled the whole dang thing.

GlennB [~gagb.01@] has joined #SCREENchat

<Jeremy> And during the REinstallation, I mistakenly set the max number of users to 5.

<Jeremy> Dumb dumb dumb.

<ScottM> Yea! GlennB

<Kate> Ooops

<Jeremy> I just fixed it now and our max is back up to 100.

<Jeremy> which is all that this software can handle.

<Jeremy> Okay.

<Jeremy> On with SCREENchat!

<Kate> Er, do we assume that we may have turned away potential chatters in the meantime?

<Kate> Glenn! Congratulatiosn.

<Kate> Oops

<Marg> Not so dumb if you wanna small gathering...

<Zoe> yeah.. an elite little circle... perfect really

SueT [~Medset@] has joined #SCREENchat

<Jeremy> Okay, folks... this is the first attempt at a SCREENchat.

<Jeremy> Let me be semi-official for a moment, if I may.

<Kate> Jeremy, were you expecting anyone else from Over There?

<Jeremy> Kate and I are designated as "operators" of this channel...

<Jeremy> ...and Kate suggested the topic for this chat.

<Kate> Way to go Sue!

<Jeremy> So, she'll sorta be our moderator, but we're not going to be "officially" moderated unless we can't hear ourselves type.

<Jeremy> This is our first real attempt at this...

<GlennB> I am finally online

<Kate> I don't think that will happen -- and for a first effort I think small is best

<Jeremy> I hope everyone will bear with us as we work out some of the logistics.

<SueT> I think I'm here

<Jeremy> One suggestion I'd make:

<Jeremy> as folks join us, let's welcome them through *private* messages instead of on the main channel.

<Jeremy> Let's keep the main channel open for on-topic messages.

<Jeremy> Sound okay?

<Marg> yep

<Kate> Sounds good

<SueT> Sure thing

<ScottM> okydokey

<Kate> The lag seems much improved too

<Aeon> yep..

<GlennB> ok

<Jeremy> Should we introduce ourselves?

Kate also has Pete Randles of UOW with her

Jeremy wonders if he's the only one representing the Northern Hemisphere.

<Kate> Jeremy, why don't you start?

<Jeremy> Alrighty:

<Jeremy> I'm Jeremy Butler and I teach film/TV at the U of Alabama.

<Jeremy> Next: Aeon?

<Aeon> I'm a creative arts student at wollongong Uni

<Jeremy> GlennB

<GlennB> i'm a communications major at UOW. Go the Crimson tide

<SueT> Sue Turnbull, lecturer Media Studies, La Trobe University, Melbourne

<Jeremy> Zoe?

<Zoe> postgrad english student at UOW who should be finished, but isn't.

<Jeremy> Marg?

<Marg> Lecturer Comms and Screen, Uni of Wollongong

<Jeremy> Okay and off we go!

<Jeremy> Kate, why don't you make an intro remark or two?

anwom [~ircle@] has joined #SCREENchat

<ScottM> I'm an English major at the University of Wollongong and IRC newbie.

<Kate> OK ... well, this is part technological experiment, and part content-based

<Kate> A number of us are interested in, or worried about, media censorship

<Kate> Specifically, we were interested in the situation in other countries, and whether there is a global change in this area

<Kate> Hence the topic.

<Jeremy> Has there been movement toward Aus implementing a V-chip?

<Kate> Jeremy, as the token northerner among us, can you give us an idea of what's happening there (apart from the Olympics!)

<Jeremy> Hmmmm...

<Jeremy> I'm not sure how good a source I'll be on this topic.

<Kate> Sue, what have you heard in Melbourne about the V-chip?

<Jeremy> ...although I have been following the developments with Internet censorship in the US.

<Kate> And Pete wants to know why it's called the V-chip.

<Jeremy> (Is the Internet "the media"?)

<SueT> Probably the same as in the rest of OZ - it's on its way - my own thoughts?

Kerryn [~kam03@] has joined #SCREENchat

<Jeremy> Please.

<SueT> Frankly I think the V-chip will ony help people who wouldn't watch anyway

<Zoe> yeah.. the parents who ban their kiddies from watching now will be the ones implementing the v-chip

<Jeremy> Who will do the ratings of programs?

<Jeremy> Would they be self-rated?

<Aeon> can some one clue me in as to HOW the v-chip will actually technically work?

<Kate> Television is currently self-rated, (Pete and I think)

<SueT> Exactly Zoe - Contradictions? a new technology to solve an old problem

<Kate> Jeremy, is it working in the US?

<SueT> Re TV classification - what happen? when you get a movie?

<Zoe> and what about commercials??? do we start rating them as well?

<ScottM> Kate, what do you mean by 'self-rated'?

<Jeremy> I haven't following this closely, Kate, but I don't believe that it's really been implemented widely in the US.

<Kate> Scott, the tv networks have in-house censors, who work (broadly) within OFLC guidelines

<Jeremy> My impression is that there've just been trial uses of it.

<Kate> Jeremy, has there been any research published?

<Kate> And do we know why Canadians invented it??

<Kerryn> Is the government planning on making in-house censors work together to decide what ratings the V-chip will have on it? Is that the del? Anyone?

<Jeremy> Er... wish I knew (about the research)... Maybe we should do an Alta Vista search on it...

SueT [~Medset@] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

<Kate> I think the appeal of the V-chip is that it appears to be about consumer choice rather than government control

<Kate> Parents are not obliged to use it

<ScottM> Kerryn, I'm sure that this will happen. What I'm concerned with is the rhetoric that the user will be the censor.

<Jeremy> Does Oz have a ratings system for music, for CD's?

<Aeon> hmmm....

<Kate> However, once installed it may be subsequently made enforceable (I thinking of car seat belts, bicycle helmets etc.)

annelies [~an08@] has joined #SCREENchat

<anwom> well, I am interested in how things are going to be classified

<Jeremy> There've been attempts to rate CD's in the US, but so far it's remained a voluntary thing on the part of the record labels.

<Kate> According to Pete, spoken word cassettes are classifiable, but other music industry products are regulated by ARIA (Australian Record Industry Association)

<Kate> Why are Americans so concerned with music??

<GlennB> only warning stickers

<Jeremy> US concern with music goes hand-in-hand with US racism, for one thing.

<anwom> exactly

<Kerryn> Looking at Scott's point about the user being the censor, that's the same theory now. That we actually decide whAt to watch. It's all segmented and screened for us now, why will the V-chip make any difference?

<Jeremy> The recent flap about music censorship arose around rap music...

<GlennB> rap music ?

<ScottM> Jeremy, this is what the V-chip enables the networks to do. By utilising this technology they can be seen to have some sort of regulation, even though they are the ones that will be the regulators.

SueT [~Medset@] has joined #SCREENchat

<anwom> rap music for instance has been a major target

<Jeremy> just as it had around "race music" in the '50s.

<Aeon> Anwom>> has death metal and other thrash types...

<Jeremy> And it wasn't until rap began to reach white, suburban teenagers that it became an issue.

<Kate> Kerryn, what seems to be wanted is some kind of technology that enables parents to leave children viewing by themselves

<SueT> kate - preumably the news will therefore also be subject to Vchip sensitivity

<Jeremy> Incidentally, a channel-by-channel version of this sort of censorship comes with just about every cable system.

<Jeremy> And the new DSS satellite systems (the 18" dishes) allow for channel lock-outs.

<Kate> Sue, watching yet another airshow crash, I was wondering about the effects of that kind of footage

<Jeremy> Re news: Will it be subject to a different standard?

<Kate> No one is really talking about the news yet, let alone current affairs

<Jeremy> Just as different standards of, say, nudity, are permited in documentaries screened in the US.

<SueT> The footage of Port Arthur was truly disturbing - more so than a fiction

<Marg> or sport

<SueT> Boxing

<Kate> Re censorship in sport, Pete points out that television broadcasts already choose not to show streakers ...

<Marg> Which footage of Port Arthur are you referring to Sue?

<Zoe> exactly... missed the whole wimbeldon streaker last month.. hear commentors say, "oh and there was a streaker on the court.."

<ScottM> It would be interested to see if a blue screen came up when a fight broke out in Rugby League. Will there be a button pusher?

<Kerryn> The tripleJ streaker was shown at the Swans game on the weekend...

<SueT> The `as it happens' smoke in the background bits

<Jeremy> A documentary ran last week on US Public Broadcasting and featured male nudity that would not be permitted in fiction programs.

<Aeon> we need a P-chip now (Porn Chip)

<Kerryn> It will be interesting to see what distinctions are made in terms of female and male nudity.

<SueT> Or little black boxes appearing in strategic places

<ScottM> Yes, which bits are best!

<Kate> Male nudity has always been more traumatic for censorship

<SueT> But there is an easy disctinction between "hard" and "soft" in the male nudity

Jeremy thinks of a shot he saw recently of Robert Downey, Jr. leaving jail. (he gave the camera the finger and had that part of the image blurred out electronically).

<Kate> Is it the case that current affairs coverage is becoming more obviously preoccupied with images of death, violence etc?

<GlennB> No ratings

<Jeremy> Was FACES OF DEATH released to vid stores in Oz?

<Jeremy> Could anyone, any age rent it?

<SueT> No - I think it's possible they are going the other way - light entertainment

<Kate> Pete says yes

<Kate> To Faces of death

<Kerryn> Maybe there'll be topical chips - like when there's a debate about guns or whatever, you insert the T-chip which stops your tv from showing any disturbing footage of gun-crazed loons spouting illogical rhetoric.

<Marg> Hamish says yes

<SueT> What was Faces of Death?

<Kate> EXECUTIONS is also a hot rental item

<Zoe> yes... I could never get a copy last year..

<Marg> Kerryn I'd like a pol-chip to bleep out Costello, Downer, Howard etc

<Jeremy> FoD was a collection of film/vid of actual torture, death, executions, etc.

<Kerryn> People pay to watch people getting killed ' I mean really killed?

<anwom> this brings to mind dead man walking

<Kerryn> Good movie, got to say it...

<anwom> and the debate about showing executions

<Jeremy> Kerryn: yes, tho these are not "snuff" films per se.

<Kerryn> huh?

<ScottM> But DMW was presented as fiction.

<Jeremy> That is, the killings were not staged for the camera.

<Aeon> Kerryn>>Its a thriving "Mute witness"...

<Zoe> i think Executions had to be shown... a very strong doco about the consequences... gruesome, but "have to see".

<Kerryn> Are they allowed to tape actual executions for money making purposes??

<Jeremy> Not in the US.

<Kate> Aeon, I'm not convinced that it occurring in a movie storyline makes it a known thriving industry ...

<Zoe> didn't Donahue try to tape an execution last year?

<ScottM> Yes, he did but I think he failed in court.

<Kate> One of the effects that "snuff" has, whether it exists or not, is to drawn our attention towards the imaginary far end of the continuum

<Aeon> Kate>>Too true...just using it as an example...

<Aeon> Kate...dark figure stats suggest it though...

<Kerryn> Kate: go on...

<SueT> Yes and to the preoccupations of the Horror film -

<Marg> Donahue thought filming the execution might act as a deterrent..

<Zoe> same argument for EXECUTIONS

<anwom> which is why DMW was ambiguous

<Aeon> Marg>> which brings up exposure as deterrent issues..

<Kerryn> Yeah, maybe we can film people being mutliated by sect members in the hope that it acts as a deterrent! Great idea ... I'm sure people will go for it.

<annelies> deterrent or good ratings?

<Marg> so maybe we need more of it, not less

<SueT> But a deterrent for whom?

<Jeremy> Deterrent...closely related to theories of catharsis, perhaps?

<ScottM> I'm not so sure that it would be a deterrent. If you come to the showing of an execution with a preconceived idea that the person deserves it, then I think the effect would be diluted.

<Kate> I think the deterrence/catharsis factor would work best (if at all) in conjunction with education

<Zoe> deterrent for governments etc?

<Kerryn> Don't you feel vindicated in that case? More of an exultation.

<Aeon> Jeremy..not so much as release as negative reinforcement I think...

<GlennB> What about the copy-cat element - Dunblane, Port Arthur ?

<Jeremy> Aeon: Yes...linked, but not identical issues.

<Kate> Scott, yes, think of all those people who gather at US executions and cheer

<Jeremy> How does Aus stand on capital punishment?

<SueT> Wobbly

<Kerryn> Kate.. exactly, it would only deter the ones who already have candlelit vigils at the place of execution

<Kate> GlennB, that's a good point -- ironically it's also the reason we don't show either streakers or crowd violence in the way that we used to

<Marg> Deano asks Copycat? Is this merely a media buzzword.

<GlennB> Last hanging in the 1960s

<Kerryn> Copycat streakers? Maybe we could get the whole crowd out there...

<Kate> Topless pitch invasion ...

Jeremy streaks SCREENchat.

<Aeon> Kerryn>> *heh*

<Zoe> now i'd like to see that.. ")

<ScottM> Pants off, everyone!

<Jeremy> Sorry, just couldn't resist.

<Marg> loved it

<anwom> ooooooh

<Kate> You can see why they want to censor IRC ...

<SueT> Too shortsighted - bother

<Jeremy> I started thinking of that image of the guy streaking behind DAvid Niven at the Academy Awards years ago.

Aeon closes eyes..but peeks ...

<Marg> Deano says, I missed it can we see it again. Currnet Affair?

<Marg> I missed the academy streaker, damn

<Kate> It's the lure of liveness -- all those people at the Olympics watching themselves on television

<SueT> But not all of us like that - I hate seeing myself at the bank

<SueT> The frenzy of the visible?

<Kate> That kind of momentary celebrity can be quite disconcerting, but I do think the way some people behave in front of surveillance cameras relates to the way we feel about publicity

Aeon cringes at the Olympic chip anyone??

<Kate> Pete tells me someone here has been charged with mooning at a red light camera

<Zoe> tell us more, Pete

<anwom> voyeur or exhibitionist

<SueT> How did they identify him/er

<Kerryn> Sue: is that because you're afraid that if there's a robbery you might get caught up on the wrong side? I was always worried about that after Point Break...

<Jeremy> It's the whole Tanya/Patty Hearst deal!

<SueT> Kerryn - no vanity - I look better in my head

<SueT> Video often has the status of the `real' while we are the fictions

<Kerryn> Except in the case of funniest home vids, where we merge

<Jeremy> To return to executions: When Aus had hangings, were they public?

<ScottM> We just live in the midst of the 'real' ...

Jeremy feels himself turning into a simulacrum.

<Kerryn> Jeremy:in the early days of white settlement, yes, like floggings (you can see I've been to Old Sydney Town...)

<GlennB> What about the surveillance tapes made in lifts with people making out - where is the line drawn

<Kate> Did anyone see that recent compilation of "most risky moments" or whatever it was??

<Kate> Pete tells me Most Dangerous Stunts

<Kerryn> And who watches the lift tapes?

<ScottM> Lift operators...

<SueT> There's probably a black market - sorry Jeremy back to the noose

<Kerryn> If the lift operaters are operating, they'd be in there when the making out was going on, wouldn't they?

<Kate> Increasingly, there's a legitimate market -- like Kerryn says, it's the Funniest Home Video shows etc

<Jeremy> There's also quite a market (network?) of amateur porn.

<Kate> And the return of Candid Camera seems to be linked to this

<Zoe> perhaps there's a new porno genre for lifts?

SueT [~Medset@] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

<Jeremy> I would imagine that the INternet has greatly facilitated the exchange of homemade porn.

<Jeremy> ...especially when you can make your own digital loops with a US$200 camera.

<Jeremy> There was an r-rated Candid Camera tape a few years back...

<Jeremy> ...what was it called?

Marg [~ircle@] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

GlennB [~gagb.01@] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

anwom [~ircle@] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

Kerryn [~kam03@] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

ScottM [~sam13@] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

Zoe [~zts01@] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

Kate [~kb@] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

<Aeon> ..eek!! where losing people..

annelies [~an08@] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

<Jeremy> Dropping like flies!

<Aeon> So jeremy..any clues??

<Jeremy> Where are you connected from?

<Aeon> own PC

<Jeremy> It looks like it was 130.1030.*.* locations that we lost.

<Aeon> *damn!*

<Jeremy> In Australia?

<Aeon> Yup!!

MAA [~mikea@] has joined #SCREENchat

<Jeremy> Got one back...

<Jeremy> Do you know what your IP number is, Aeon?

<Jeremy> is it 130.130 something?

<Jeremy> Hey MAA, where are you connected from?

<Aeon> Um..hold on..its..

<MAA> Hi! I'm connecting from UofOregon.

<MAA> This is my first IRC session EVER.

<Jeremy> Cool. We just lost a bunch of folks from Australia.

<Jeremy> Good to have you on board!

<MAA> Darn! I think I'm late, right?

<Aeon> I think...(Wol Uni that is..)

<Jeremy> Yeah, we started about an hour ago, MAA.

<Aeon> The IRC session was only s'posed to be till 1 right?

<Jeremy> Hmmm, well I wonder why you were spared, Aeon.

<Jeremy> Right it was supposed to be an hour long, but I didn't reckon to kick folks off then.

<Jeremy> Werid.

<MAA> Must be 'self'-censorship :->

<Jeremy> Er, weird.

<Jeremy> Yeah, maybe they all suddenly felt shy.

<Aeon> My Ip no's different..i'm logged in through a diff server..

<Jeremy> Hey, MAA, do you study film at UO?

<Jeremy> Here comes one back...

<Aeon> Nope must have to do with ITS at Woll Uni...

<Jeremy> There's Marg!

Marg [~ircle@] has joined #SCREENchat

<MAA> Yes, Jeremy. I'm a PhD name's Mike Arnzen. Hi, Marg.

<Jeremy> What happend, M?

anwom [~goldie@] has joined #SCREENchat

<Aeon> Cool...

<Jeremy> anwom! You're back!

Kerryn [~kam03@] has joined #SCREENchat

<Jeremy> It was strange seeing you guys slaughtered like that!

<anwom> what's going on?

Zoe [~zts01@] has joined #SCREENchat

<Kerryn> Oh My God!!! What an experience... I was waiting for the blue flashing lights to arrive

ScottM [~sam13@] has joined #SCREENchat

<Jeremy> We've got almost everyone back, except Kate.

<MAA> Hi, All!

<Aeon> ..hmm...strange..what happened guys?

<Aeon> Hiya MAA!!

<Jeremy> The strange thing is, Aeon did NOT get zapped and he's a UOW dude, too.

annelies [~an08@] has joined #SCREENchat

GlennB [~gagb.01@] has joined #SCREENchat

<Kerryn> No idea, we were there, and then the universe took us to a parallel world... no idea at all

ScottM has now turned into a gecko

<Jeremy> Suddenly, all the 130.130 IP numbers started disappearing.

<Jeremy> Very sad.

<GlennB> back again

Kerryn clicks her heels 3 times - there's no place like home...

<Aeon> Jeremy>>First I'm a gal and second I'm connected thru a diff server...

<anwom> i thought i had bad breath

<ScottM> Hmm. Where were we: Lift pornography?

<Aeon> that explains my continued presence...

<Kerryn> Going down?

<Zoe> oh yes...umm.. personally, i think it's a lucrative market.

<Zoe> and up again :)

Kerryn blushes

<Aeon> Jeremy>>forgiven...

<GlennB> Before we were sooo rudely interrupted .......

Jeremy looks for Kate.

ScottM moves to a seat further away from Kerryn

<Jeremy> Well dang, she's still missing!

<anwom> Yoooooohoooooooo

<GlennB> she should be with us soon she is on another floor

<Marg> In space no one can find you again

Kerryn protests -I'm not like that, Iswear

<Jeremy> There she is!

<Marg> same floor as me, I think she's having a face to face

<Zoe> er, where?

<Jeremy> Ew!

<Kerryn> what is it?

Kate [~kb@] has joined #SCREENchat

Jeremy sets mode: +o Kate

<GlennB> she's back !

<Jeremy> Whew, I think we're all back now.

<Kate> Woo, what happened there?

<Kerryn> Deep breaths, everyone, lets try again...

<Jeremy> 'Parrently it was a site-specific problem--since Aeon and MAA stayed connected.

<GlennB> Who is MAA

<Kate> Our sit??

<Kate> Site?

<Jeremy> A new recruit, from U oregon:

<Jeremy> Take a bow, MAA!

<MAA> Hi! I'm a taurus, etc.etc.

<Aeon> *Aeon thinks the powers that be where frowning on this little IRC gathering

<Jeremy> Another northern hermispherer!

<Jeremy> Finally!

<Jeremy> Hey, MAA, how 'bout this SUMMER weather?

<GlennB> So is most of the Us olympic team according to todays paper

<Zoe> do you think it was the lift porno that did it?

<Kate> So what's happened to the northern hemisphere?? too busy watching the Olympics

<Kerryn> i think Little Johnny has his eye on us Aeon...

<MAA> My fingers are melting into the gaps between my keyboard, it's so hot, J.!

<Kate> Zoe, I think it must have been -- the mere thought of it

<Jeremy> Or maybe it was the amateur porn.

<Kerryn> Kate: think how the lift operators feel...

<Aeon> Zoe>>Yup..there are everywhere else practically..

<Jeremy> Y'know, you can exchange files via IRC.

<ScottM> I don't think anyone who does it in a lift can be an amateur

<Zoe> do tell Scott!

<Aeon> Did someone mention Figments??

<Kerryn> No, just you I think

<Kate> People are always doing it in lifts in the movies

<Jeremy> Okay, what I was going to say before we were so RUDELY interrupted was that...

<Kerryn> Yeah, and movies are more real than us, wasn't that it SueT?

<Jeremy> ...we've done our official hour (and some) but I reckon we ought to do another 10 minutes since were were interrupted.

<GlennB> ok

<Zoe> back to porno...

<Kerryn> Can you get a chip that stops you from watching for more than an hour, say?

<GlennB> is this leading to exchanging porno files on the IRC ? Or will the P chip strike

<Kate> Pete wants an O chip, to block out the Olympics ...

<ScottM> It's called an electronic timer ... available at all hardware shopes.

<Marg> It's called the off button

<MAA> My TV has a timer on it, I think...I never use it though.

<ScottM> Lucky!

<Aeon> Kate>>He's not the only one..:)

<Kerryn> I suppose it would be just like an oven timer.

<Jeremy> MAA: the Aussies were asking me earlier, but I had no answer: Do you know the status of the v-chip in the US?

<Kerryn> I should get an email timer

<MAA> I've only heard that the gov't wants to pass the bill. I'm sure the...

<Jeremy> Aren't all sets supposed to have one by, say, 1998?

<MAA> manufacturers are on it, though.

<MAA> THat soon!?

<MAA> Whoa!

<Jeremy> I'm just guessing... Hows it stand in Oz?

<ScottM> I haven't heard a date set yet.

<GlennB> thats a complaint here too, the manufacturers say they are not up with the technology

<Marg> Deano says All new TV sets will have them introduced from now

<Marg> this minute?

<Kate> Er ... did we pass a law about that?

<GlennB> way off

<Kerryn> What, all newly manufactured? Or can they install them on the unsold new tvs?

<Marg> Deano says No

<Kate> Or does Sen. Alston just get to decide

<Jeremy> Does Japan--where all these sets come from after all--have any plans to implement it?

ScottM has a vision of a wildcat run on pre V-chip TV sets.

<Marg> Good question

<Kerryn> Sen. Alston wants an ABC chip

<Jeremy> ABC?

<Kate> Australian Broadcasting Corporation

<anwom> we need a sen. alston chip

<Kerryn> Sorry, the Australian BroadcAsting Copmpany

<Kate> Our public broadcaster, which has just taken a body blow in terms of govt. funding

<ScottM> The already broke corporation.

<Kerryn> Corporation, whatever

<Marg> Not exactly public, more National

<Kerryn> I like Marg's idea of the pol-chip - gets all politicians off the screens where they play undue havoc with our lives.

<MAA> Gotta go... I'll try to be on time next week. Thanks for the pleasant conversation!

SueT [~Medset@] has joined #SCREENchat

MAA [~mikea@] has quit IRC (Leaving)

<GlennB> bye MAA

<Kate> Speaking of next week ...

<Jeremy> Yes?

<Kate> I think it would be fairly easy for us to continue to run something informal at about this time

<Kate> Or another time suited to other people

<Kate> Or we could run something at about this time, and other people could ... you get the picture

<Kerryn> Tuesdays are good

<Marg> Can we keep it topic based?

<GlennB> same bat time same bat chAnnel

<Jeremy> You're welcome to use this IRC server.

<Jeremy> It's up (in theory) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

<Jeremy> Regardless of your time zone.

<Kerryn> Gotta go, so see you next week, yeah?

<Jeremy> I'm leaving on vacation next week, tho, so I won't be 'round.

<Kerryn> Been nice chatting...!

<Kate> OK, we might run something down here for next week, to test our own server etc.

Kerryn [~kam03@] has quit IRC (Leaving)

<Jeremy> I think we should try to set up topic-based chats once a month and let things go loose the rest of the time.

<SueT> I can be there - though I disappeared back there

<anwom> sounds good

<Aeon> Jeremy..sounds good to me...

<Kate> Seems good to me ... Sue do you know of anyone else in Melbourne you'd like to bring along?

<Jeremy> I'll send out announcements over SCREEN-L.

<ScottM> Great!

<Jeremy> And we can make it a bit more public now that we've had our first shakedown cruise.

<Kate> Marg has some potential invites in the Sydney region

<SueT> I suspect Angela Ndalianis at melbourne uni would be interested

<Marg> There were a number of people invited today who couldn't get software in time, they'd love to try it out asap

<Jeremy> ...advertise it on H-FILM and other film lists.

<Kate> Jeremy, I'm not sure we need to archive this one -- what do you think?

<Marg> and in South Australia

<Kate> and in Perth

<Zoe> was it the porno talk, Kate?

<Jeremy> There were a couple of requests for the archive, so I think we might as well...

<Kate> But we do also have some people in the UK who, mysteriously, aren't prepared to get up at 3am

<anwom> at Umass

<Marg> I also asked those who posted to SCREEN-L re V-chip to join us today

<SueT> Yes please - I lost a good half hour

<Aeon> ..could get crowed..

<Kate> Zoe, it was the streaker ;)

Jeremy blushes.

<Kate> I think if it gets crowded, we can look at opening more than one channel -- Jeremy, what do you think?

<Jeremy> Okay, I'm turning off the chat recorder and going home...

<Kate> Jeremy, before you go!

<Marg> Bye Jeremy, till next time

<Aeon> *eek* darn typos...

<Kate> We are going to need to use your server if we need a US connection

<Jeremy> Kate: Yes, though don't think crowding will be a problem for a while.

<Kate> Will your server be working while you're on holiday?

<Aeon> Seeya Jeremy..thanx

<Jeremy> Tho I'm leaving everyone is welcome to hang out here.

<Jeremy> And the server will be up while I'm on vacation.

<Zoe> ta ta, Jeremy!

<SueT> Gotta go to - Bye all

<Kate> OK, that's fine. We will test both things while you're away and have information for you on your return.

<Kate> Bye from me too.

<Jeremy> Sounds cool, Kate.

<Jeremy> If it stops responding, let me know and I"ll have someone reboot it.

<ScottM> See ya!

<Jeremy> I'll still be picking up e-mail while I wander the Great AMerican West.

<Kate> OK, we'll keep in touch

<Jeremy> Thanks for coming everyone!

<Kate> And we'll try not to flood your server with lift porn

<anwom> thanks and bye

<Jeremy> 'Sbeen fun!

Kate [~kb@] has left #SCREENchat

<GlennB> bye

annelies [~an08@] has quit IRC (Leaving)

<Jeremy> Lift porn: Mebbe I'll stick around after all.

<Marg> I'm gone

anwom [~goldie@] has quit IRC (Leaving)

Marg [~ircle@] has left #SCREENchat

SueT [~Medset@] has left #SCREENchat

ScottM [~sam13@] has quit IRC (Leaving)

Zoe [~zts01@] has left #SCREENchat

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