SCREENchat #4: How to Get Into Film/TV School

Oct. 28/29 1996

*** Log file opened: 10/28/96 4:37:15 PM

Jeremy changes topic to "How to Get Into Film/TV School"

<JeremyUA> Okay, folks, our guest has arrived: Kirk Brennan, Admission Coordinator, USC School of Cinema-Television.

<Deano> Kirk: can you explain about USC?

<Scooby> Double duh

<JeremyUA> Okay, now to get to our topic:

<JeremyUA> film/TV programs and how to apply to them.

<Kirk> Wow, there's a simple one to start off the bat..:)

<JeremyUA> Deano: Did you have a bit more specific query?

<Kirk> USC has 5 grad programs, 3 undergrad programs.

<JeremyUA> How're the programs divided up?

<Deano> Just a little overview on where it is etc etc for the w'gong crowd/revolutionaries

<Kirk> Grad: Film/Video Production, Critical Studies, Screenwriting, Producing, and Film, Video and Computer Animation.

<David> Viva la revolution!

<scott> I'm of to see the wizard ...

scott [~sam13@] has quit IRC (Leaving)

<Kirk> Undergrad: Film/Video Production, Critical Studies, and Filmic Writing.

<Kate> Just to announce to the UOW students that Mary Franks has entered the building and is heading for the lecture theatre

Zoe [~zts01@] has quit IRC (Leaving)

<Kirk> We also have an undergrad Minor program.

<Scooby> Kate - is that kinda like Elvis has entered the Building?"

<Kate> Scooby, yep that's it

Annelies [~an08@] has quit IRC (Leaving)

<Kate> Mary Franks is the local television newsreader -- the face on Wollongong's billboards

<Scooby> Kirk - ugrad minor in film?

<Piano> Can you give info/advice in order to possibly transfer?

Deano watching Scott leave the barricade for the enemy trenches

<Kirk> (wow, we're on TV?) The minor is in "Cinema-Television" which certainly encompasses each of our divisions.

<Scooby> I see

<Scooby> Just curious, that's all

<Kirk> Advice: Know why you're coming.

<Deano> We're getting kicked out of the lab!

<David> After all that, we now have to leave the lab. Nasty woman has come in and asked us to leave.

<Kirk> Cryptic? Perhaps..the point is, we're not looking for anything specific.

<Deano> Asked us????

<Kirk> Yikes. We makin' too much noise?? I'll try to keep it down.

<David> I meant that sarcastically.

<Mez> Kirk>>Care to elaborate on that please?

<Kirk> I'm buzzin' on Sees candies right now.

<Sallad> What does one need to do inorder to be accepted, I mean what would make one student more desirable then another applying to one of your programs?

<Deano> Anyway goodbye all, thanks for the brief glimse kirk

<David> Everyone doesn't like that woman.

<Piano> Kirk-intersested in film. what qualifications to transfer?

<Kirk> by Deano. catch

Deano [~drk02@] has quit IRC (Leaving)

<David> We've got to go ... bye.

David [~dwk01@] has quit IRC (Leaving)

<Kirk> bye, david

<Kate> Kirk, would you be able to come by again?

<Kirk> Probably so.

<Kate> The Wollongong connection was a little fractured this week -- but next week would be much more serene (a non-teaching week)

<Kate> And we could therefore be here at a different time, whatever suits you best

<Kirk> Anyway, I'll get to the specific transfer advice in a sec --

<Piano> cool

<Kirk> (this is a good time for me, if you don't mind me runnin' in late)

<Sallad> does everyone have to go, or just those specific people that already left?

<JeremyUA> Just folks down in U Wollongong...

<Sallad> ok

<Mez> I've gotta go soon..

<Kate> OK, I'm out of here

<JeremyUA> This chat is scheduled to go for at least another 30 mins.

<Kirk> Mez asked me to elaborate-- that's a tough one. (I'll stay on as long as we need to.)

<Kate> Kirk, I hope we'll meet again -- it would be lovely to have you as a regular chatter!

Kate [~jzsd8@] has left #SCREENchat

<Scooby> Droppin like flies, eh?

<JeremyUA> Okay, now that we've got the coming/going sorted out....

<JeremyUA> Kirk, take the floor!

<Kirk> Elaborate? Well, imagine a group of teachers faced with the challenge of deciding who they'd like to invite to the program.

<Mez> Yup..

<Mez> and?

<Scooby> Go on...

<JeremyUA> What percentage of students do you accept?

<Kirk> It's not an exact science, of course. We're not looking specifically at

<Kirk> numbers or scores..but ideas.

<Scooby> Ideas, such as....

<Kirk> Percentages depends on the program..

<Kirk> Ideas? That's where you come in, silly. :)

<Kirk> Why do you want to come to film school?

<Scooby> original screenplays ? Shorts?

<Piano> Is there some sort of interview?

<Mez> Original ideas? Rehashed ideas? Hero's jorney ideas?

<Kirk> Your reasons for coming. What do you want to do here? What issues are

<Kirk> important to you?

<Mez> that a rhetoric qs or u want an answer?

<Kirk> We ask for some specific department-related essays (like story ideas for writing programs), but we just want to get to know you.

<Scooby> That's what I was getting at

<Kirk> (no, sorry, cant' do interviews)

<Scooby> Thanx for the clarity, Kirk

<Kirk> Is that sarcastic?? :)

<Piano> Cinema, to me, the ultimate expressive art form. It's pure creativity

<Scooby> Not at all

<Kirk> It can be frustrating to explain something like this;

<Piano> preach on brother!

<Kirk> I'll go on and on, then people will ask, "but what are they -really- looking for.

<Kirk> Can I get a witness!

<Scooby> Kirk - are you directly affiliated with the selection process?

<Mez> Kirk>>:)

<Piano> How to begin? Application? Transcript?

<Kirk> I coordinate the application process. The faculty make all the admission decisions. But if you tick me off, they'll hear about it.

<Piano> What about your summer program?

<Sallad> what about when a school asks to see work that you did..most of the big projects i have wroked on i was unable to produce, but i was an associate producer, and did most of the script writing...even if i wan't the biggest name in the credits, they still wan

<Scooby> I see

<Kirk> okay, three more q's.. I'll get to everyone, I just don't type too well outside of Windows :)

<Kirk> Application instructions.. I spent the better part of today loading them onto a web page. I hope they're visible:


<Sallad> sorry, im just curious

<Kirk> Then click on "information"

<Mez> All>>Gotta go, but am looking forward to seeing Kirk again on here....all, a fond farewell...

<Kirk> by Mez.

<Scooby> Bye Mez

Mez [~mezandwalt@] has left #SCREENchat

<Kirk> Ooh, recording it. I better sound like I know what I'm talking about..

<Kirk> As for experience..

<Kirk> We require absolutely no experience -- our programs will get you up to speed quickly.

<Kirk> Some students have lots of professional experience, some don't know what an F-stop is.

<JeremyUA> So, you do not require a resume tape?

<JeremyUA> Or film or script?

<Scooby> Kirk - do you start off new students with 16mm Bolex production?

<Piano> Is financial aid "plentiful?"

<Kirk> No resume tape up front. They will ask some students to send them in; a Portfolio List is required.

<JeremyUA> Portfolio List? Could you clarify what that is?

<Piano> What should be included in the portfolio list?

<Sallad> if it isn't experience, what would get someone with no experience in verses me, who has worked at a local tv station, and know digital editing on the IMAX cube, etc?

<Kirk> Our faculty may then call you and ask to see someting from that list -- be it film-related or not. Poems, paintings, writings, whatever.

<JeremyUA> Just for further clarification: A Portfolio List is required, but film/TV/video experiences is not?

<Kirk> Portfolio List is a list of your creative/artistic material. Some studnets have long ones, some have short ones. No preference, it just gives us a sense of your creative interests/pursuits.

<Kirk> It's required.

<Kirk> Some students list only acting projects.

<Kirk> Some have written poems for fun.

<Piano> When is the deadline for application for fall '97?

<Kirk> Some paint, whatever. Some have dabbled in video. It just gives us an idea, that's all.

<Kirk> Deadlines: Grad, December 10th: Undergrad, Jan 31st.

<Sallad> so, my tv/film/video experience counts just towards my personal knowledge, not twords getting me in the school?

<Sallad> i mean towards

<Piano> Is there a preference for what collegiate level an undergrad is transfering?

<Kirk> Financial Aid is there, btw. Lots of loans (federal stuff).

<JeremyUA> What's the current undergrad/grad tuitions?

<Kirk> Ohter assistantships/scholarships for some students, but only continuing students.

<Kirk> Tuition is about $19,000 per year. Throw in everything else like housing, it's around $28k per year, something like that.

<Piano> What about employment after graduation?

<Scooby> If one is a CA resident, is tuition exempted

<Kirk> F/Aid is not really available for International students, btw. Federal laws, 'n' all.

<JeremyUA> USC is not part of the UC system... It's a private school, right Kirk?

<Kirk> USC is a private school, so everyone pays the same low price. :)

<Scooby> Was that sarcasm??

<Kirk> Oh yeah.

<Piano> I'll start giving blood now!

<Kirk> Is that on tape??

<Sallad> how are student films paid for, out of the student's pocket? or by the school?

<Kirk> Now that's a good question --

<Kirk> Tuition covers most production costs, except for the 1st semester's class.

<Scooby> Kirk - are CA residents' tuition exempted? And if so, does a year in CA constitute 'residency?'

<Kirk> About 3 classes (during the entire program) will cost students more, for disposable expenses, food, etc; about $1000 extra per class, depending.

<Kirk> Residency is not an issue at USC, except for a handful of California Freshman scholarships.

<JeremyUA> If we could return to the acceptance rate for a second... I've heard that it's more difficult to get into USC grad school in Film/Video Production than it is to get into Harvard Business School. Can you give us an idea of roughly how many folks are accepted, compared to the number that apply, to Film/Video?

<Scooby> Thanx

<Kirk> For fall 1996 about 500 people applied for about 50 spots, maybe 55.

<JeremyUA> So, about 10%

<Piano> Are USC grads given priority?

<Sallad> i don't know if this is appropiate to ask, with you being from USC, but what are some schools on the east coast that are equally qood in film/tv?

<Scooby> And did those 10% have extensive film experience?

<Kirk> That's for Production, now. Yeah, 10%. USC grads aren't given priority.

<Kirk> Those 10% varied with film expereince.

<JeremyUA> Sallad: NYU is the heaviest production school in the East.

<Kirk> Some lots, some little. Diversity is an important issue in filling a classroom.

<JeremyUA> There are others, too, and the best way to locate them is on the World Wide Web.

<Piano> Ever had a film student from Alabama?

<Kirk> NYU, AFI (CA), Columbia, Florida State, UA (right?), UCLA, these are all big gus.

<JeremyUA> As Kirk mentioned, USC has a lot of info on the Web, and just about every other school does too.

<Kirk> I'd have to search for someone from UA, but I wouldn't be surprised.

<Kirk> Lots of southern students come to mind, for what that's worth.

<JeremyUA> SCREENsite maintains a list of film/TV/video programs:

<Piano> Run Forrest! Zemicks grad right?

<Sallad> jeremy: i think i have all of their website printed out too, but i thought it can't hurt to ask one more time for one more opinion

<Kirk> Zemeckis is, in fact he taught directing recently.

<Piano> Summer program?

<Kirk> I just updated the web site about 2 hours ago, btw.

<Kirk> Thank you!

<JeremyUA> The Web is a great resource for finding info--much simpler than the olden daze when one had to write off for brochures and wait weeks to hear back.

<Kirk> Summer Production Workshops -- I don't handle the application process to this,

<Kirk> but they're great.


<Kirk> Sounds familiar!

<JeremyUA> Are SPW for course credit?

<Kirk> SPW courses are full credit, usually about 8 units. Intensive 6-8 week sessions. Full time stuff. If you want a crash course,

<Kirk> it's a great option.

<JeremyUA> I don't mean to harp, but what percentage of transfer applications did you accept last year?

<Kirk> harp away.

<JeremyUA> I guess I mean mostly undergrad.

<Sallad> Ok one more question sorta off topic, im wanting to get an undergraduate in tv, and graduate degree in film, i hear of the top notch film schools names all the time, but what are some of the top tv schools, no names have continually been suggested to me

<Piano> What program of study would "directing" fall under exactly?

<Kirk> Transfer percentages vary greatly.

<JeremyUA> I ask because transfering is an option that frequently comes up.

<JeremyUA> And I have no way of guaging just how difficult/easy it may be.

<Kirk> It all depends on how many spaces open up. In the past, Fall transfer acceptance rates to Production are really competitive -- even less than 10% at times, but in Spring cycles, fewer apply, sometimes more spots are there, so it can rise to around 20%.

<Kirk> Transfers should have General Education under their belts -- that means

<Kirk> science, composition, foreign languange, and humanities.

<Piano> Respectfully, are there some "moderately" priced quality schools out there?

<JeremyUA> TV, Sallad? The big guns are often the same "film" schools: USC, UCLA, NYU, Florida State, etc.

<JeremyUA> Yes, P, there are...

<Scooby> Don't forget UA

<JeremyUA> Southern Illinois is one that comes to mind.

<Kirk> UCLA is certainly a great program.

<JeremyUA> I'm working on a Web page that'll have a "tiered" approach to film/TV programs:

<Piano> what about employment after grad to pay for it all?

<Sallad> What is UA?

<Kirk> Our employment rate is 75% in the Industry. Pretty good, I'd say.

<JeremyUA> (1) The Top Five, (2) schools that offer MFA's that are often overlooked, and (3) smaller programs.

<Scooby> Very good

<JeremyUA> University of Alabama.

<Kirk> I always advise students to ignore rankings. Who cares if the #3 film school or #2 film school doesn't meet your needs.

<JeremyUA> I don't think any other school rivals USC's ties with the industry, do you, Kirk?

<Sallad> that is what i thought, but just making sure since there are a few "A" states

<Piano> Can you have a degree in critical studies and be accepted into grad school?

<JeremyUA> (Incidentally, UA does not offer graduate degrees in film/video prodcution.)

<Scooby> Kirk - do graduates start off at the bottom of the pole, grips and gaffers, best boys? or do they try to get those jobs accomplished as a student?

<Kirk> Yes, piano. No prior degree necessary, but it doesn't hurt either. Our CS program is not competitive like production.

<Scooby> Such as in the almighty internship?

<Sallad> that is what my tv teacher says, he says that it doesn't really matter where you go, it is how much you put into it..., but i have a hard time believing that...

<Piano> How about from another school, say, umm, UA?

<Kirk> Industry ties are certainly a strength. I imagine NYU and UCLA certainly rival USC in recognizable names, but our list gets longer and longer.

<JeremyUA> I think that P means, Does having a BA in critical studies help you to apply to film/vid production MA?

<Kirk> Sallad, your teacher is right in many ways.

<Piano> Thanx

<Kirk> Doesn't help, doesn't hurt. Again, no preferences like that.

<Kirk> I think it's good preparation. Bryan Singer, directed Usual Suspects, he was a Crit Stud undergrad (a classmate of mine, thanks).

<Sallad> i mean i dedicate my spare time to anything tv/film production going to put my all into it whereever i go, but in that case, doesn't it matter, to have the better equiped school?

<Kirk> Equipment??

<Sallad> equiptment, courses, teachers, preparation for a real career in general...

<JeremyUA> Does your Web page go into specifics of what USC's facilities are like, Kirk?

<Kirk> I like to think you're not coming to film school to learn equipment -- but rather to learn the tools of image and sound to tell meaningful stories..

<Piano> Kaiser Soze

<Kirk> I don't think the WEb page has that yet. Our Bulletin will, which will be in print in about a month.

<Piano> Do you recommend taking an non-linear editing course?

<JeremyUA> "not coming to film school to learn equipment": I agree. The equipment changes too fast to keep up with it anyway. But certain principles of image/sound are constant.

<Kirk> We use Super 8, 16mm b/w and color, Hi-8, 3/4", betacam, whatever. Some specialized stuff in 35, HDTV, digital stuff.

<Scooby> Excellent point Jeremy

<Kirk> Non-linear editing will get you a job right away. Avid, Lightworks, Protools. It's a great skill like typing used to be.

<JeremyUA> Has USC cut back on its *film* editing courses?

<Kirk> The new one is Digital Imaging/Visual Effects/Animation.

<Kirk> No, we haven't cut back. Students demand Avid, though, that's for sure.

<Kirk> Lots of 16mm stuff done all the time, still.

<Scooby> Sound?

<Piano> Is it possible to come visit your fine institution?

<Kirk> I would say that our sound facilities are unmatched.

<Kirk> The guy who came up with THX is on our faculty, he runs the whole division. They do amazing things in the Sound dept.

<Scooby> That guy is a genius!!!!!!!

<JeremyUA> Re visits: Are there tours for applicants?

<Kirk> Tours every Friday at 2pm, visit with a counselor afterwards.

<JeremyUA> Appointment required?

<Kirk> More general campus tours every day on the hour.

<Piano> Where exactly is USC located?

<Kirk> No appt. necessary, but it's good to call to make sure we're having one -- they get cancelled once in a while.

<JeremyUA> What is the address/phone/fax number for folks who want more info?

<Kirk> Located right downtown, in the University Park district. Near the 10 and 110 freeways.

<JeremyUA> And remember folks, that Web address is:

<Kirk> Call 213-740-2911.

<JeremyUA> Does USC's grad program have any *minimums* for standardized tests, GPA, etc?

<Kirk> About 20 minutes from Santa Monica, 20 minutes from Pasadena, 4 hrs from Vegas, 90 minutes to locak skiing.

Scooby [~l@] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

<JeremyUA> And a stones throw from Watts.

<JeremyUA> Er...I didn't mean that the way it sounded.

Scooby [~l@] has joined #SCREENchat

<Piano> How far from greenboro, al.?

<Kirk> Watt's is real close, that's true.

<Kirk> Watt's?? Where do I get that apostrophe?

<JeremyUA> P: 2,000 miles.

<Scooby> Sorrry y'all - got booted.

<Piano> is that all?

<Kirk> No minimum scores, but a GRE/General Score of 1000 is desireable (math+verbal only).

<JeremyUA> You can make it in about 35 hours: I20 to I10, take a left. Get off in LA.

<Scooby> How 'bout enrollment, Kirk. How many? grag and ugrad

<Kirk> Exit hoover.

<Kirk> About 500 in each.

JeremyUA checks his map.

<Scooby> Total enrollment at USC?

<Piano> Are transfer scores as crucial to transfer students?

<JeremyUA> Er, that's *I59* to I10, take a *right*. Get off in LA.

<Sallad> what about student teachers and TA's, and ratio's with student to teacher

<Piano> Sorry, are test scores crucial?

<Scooby> Just trying to gauge how big of a school USC really is

<Kirk> About 16k undergrads at USC, about 12k grads.

<Scooby> Thanx

<Kirk> Seems smaller to me.

<Scooby> Because of.....

<JeremyUA> Man, I didn't realize that it was so heavily weighted toward grads!

<Piano> What is the acceptance rate of USC for all under grads?

<Scooby> Nor I!

<Kirk> Ratios? I don't really know. In your core production classes, you'll have about a dozen classmates, sometimes two teachers.

<JeremyUA> What sort of faculty committee (?) passes judgment on the applications? Is it just one professor, or several?

<Kirk> USC undergrad acceptance rate is just above 50%, I believe. I'm out of my league here, so don't quote me.

<Scooby> Kirk - what attracted/brought you to USC?

<Scooby> .....and how did you get started in film?

<Kirk> I'm not sure how the committee distributes the responsibilities -- they keep this to themselves, quite frankly.

<Piano> Can I request a brochure/application on your web page?

<Kirk> I live nearby, so I grew up coming to football games, etc. Just so happened they had a program I needed. I really love it here. Beautiful place, great city, friendly people.

<JeremyUA> Any Sumo wrestling there?

<Scooby> Great football coach, as well!

<Piano> Sounds like AL.

<Kirk> You may certainly request a brochure via the web -- at the moment, that brochure is in the works -- the web info is the most-complete.

<Piano> Except for sumo

<Kirk> Sumo? :) One of our football players is a sumo wrestler from HI.

<Scooby> Cool - lineman, I presume?

<Piano> Hawaii Rainbows?

<Piano> What a football team

<JeremyUA> Perhaps we should start thinking about winding this up.

<Kirk> I think he's a freshman, I'm not sure.

<JeremyUA> Kirk, you've been a most gracious guest!

<Scooby> Getting off track a tad - sorry

<Sallad> thank you kirk...

<JeremyUA> Thanks for fielding all these questions.

<Scooby> Thanx for the chat Kirk

<JeremyUA> Anybody have anything else they want to ask?

<Kirk> Why thanks.. I don't mind staying; I have a sense I didn't quite get everyone's questions nailed down.

<Scooby> Come by soon!

<Piano> Can you provide any wisdom/advice before you split to a poss transfer?

<Scooby> Yeah - do it soon

<JeremyUA> I know the Australians were diappointed to have to leave before the chat really got going.

<Scooby> Deadline's almost up

<Kirk> Think hard about what you want in a film school, what ideas you want to bring to the world, and perhaps most importantly, who you are..

<JeremyUA> Perhaps we could entice Kirk back again when the Aussies can join us.

<Kirk> (is there a time limit here?)

<JeremyUA> No time limit, Kirk. Just don't want to impose upon you!

<Kirk> I'll gladly come back for the Aussies.

<Sallad> my problem is that i would like to stay on the east coast for my first 4 or atleast 2 years of college

<Piano> Thanks Captain.

<Kirk> I know of one student who commutes from New York.. No joke! He's a flight attendant with classes on Wednesdays only. (egads!)

<JeremyUA> Man!

<Kirk> You're welcome, piano.

<Scooby> Thanx again Kirk - you are a world of knowledge

<Kirk> I recommend living in the state, at least, hopefully in university housing.

<Piano> Do most live in Uni. housing?

<Sallad> I think CA is a little far from NC, especially when i don't have a plane, my only transportation is a VW bus

<JeremyUA> Anything else? Piano, Sallad, Scooby?

<JeremyUA> Anything you'd care to add, Kirk?

<Kirk> Most grads tend to want to get their own place. I'd say most undergrads do live in USC housing, or at least in a privately owned place within walking distance.

<Scooby> I'll wait until next time - see ya Kirk.

<Kirk> Say, I forgot -- there's a quicktime VR tour of campus on usc's main page.

<Kirk> by scoob.

<Sallad> i feel like there is more i wanna ask, but i can't specify what it is to put it into words, thanks anyway though

<Kirk> Were you talking about TV station experience?

<JeremyUA> I'll call a close to the "official" portion of the chat, then, but we'll leave the chat room "open" for folks who want to stay around.

<Piano> "That's all I have to say about that!" - Thanks again!

<Kirk> I'll be here. Thanks Jeremy.

<JeremyUA> Our guest tonight has been Kirk Brennan, admissions coordinator for USC!

<JeremyUA> Thanks VERY much for coming by, Kirk!

<Piano> Applause

JeremyUA tips his hat in Kirk's direction.

<Scooby> Jeremy wears a hat???

Kirk claps for the audience

*** Log file closed: 10/28/96 9:25:49 PM