ScreenChat #5: Film/TV Educators and the Internet

February 7/8, 1997

*** Log file opened: 2/7/97 10:19:11 AM

scott_m [~straw@] has joined #ScreenChat

<Brent> We're talking about film and education?

Kate [~kbowles@] has joined #ScreenChat

<Jeremy> It's for any screen educators interested int he Internet

<Jeremy> It's the Wild Australians!

<scott_m> Yawn!

<Jeremy> What time is it Down Under?

<scott_m> 5am

<Jeremy> Yipes!

<Jeremy> That's EARLY.

<Jeremy> We're eating lunch up here in the northern hem.

scott_m is a bit woozey.

<Brent> Why don't you guys knock off early today. Tell 'em we said it's okay.

Jeremy looks at the bags under scott's eyes.

<scott_m> :)

<Jeremy> Brent: It's SATURDAY there.

<Brent> Details, details.

<scott_m> It's a time travel thang.

<Jeremy> I hope this chat is worth your early morning wake-up call.

<Jeremy> So far it's just Brent and me--and we're just across the hall from each other.

<scott_m> :)

<Jeremy> Brent: Introduce yourself to the Wild Australians.

<scott_m> The Kate/Marg conglomeration is decidedly quiet.

Jeremy takes a bite out of his ham&cheese sandwich.

<Kate> The Kate/Marg Corporation is making coffee

<Brent> Hi. I teach a course in braodcast news and produce documentaries for public television.

Jeremy smells the coffee.

<Jeremy> One lump or two?

Kate is a little stunned to be awake

Brent checks the spelling of "broadcast" in the dictionary.

<Jeremy> Oh, if you have your Web browser running, check:


<Jeremy> And see ScreenChat Central IN ACTION!

Dalooz [~java@] has joined #ScreenChat

<Jeremy> Hey, Dalooz, I was just explaining that folks can SEE ScreenChat in action at:


<Dalooz> cool

Jeremy wonders which timezone Marg is in--having just returned from Gay Paree.

<Kate> Good thing we can't see any of the Australians at this hour ;)

<Brent> Somehow, "action" is not a word one associates with chats.

Jeremy opens up his bag of two measly cookies.

<Jeremy> Ah...Dessert!

scott_m thanks goodness he doesn't have a camera on him right now. :)

Dalooz [~java@] has quit IRC (Leaving)

<Kate> Marg's struggling with technology

<Jeremy> Dalooz was checking in from Indiana.

<Jeremy> It's an ongoing struggle, ain't it?

<scott_m> The hoosier state...

<Kate> Particularly at this hour of the morning ;)

<Jeremy> You all are very brave to even attempt it!

harries [~java@] has joined #ScreenChat

<Jeremy> Hey, Dan!

<Jeremy> Welcome!

ChasH [~charlie@] has joined #ScreenChat

Brent: *ChasH* Welcome to #ScreenChat , ChasH. A ScreenChat will begin at noon CST (1800 GMT). Come join us then!

<Brent> me/ Wishes he had ONE measly cookie!

<harries> Howdy!

<Jeremy> So, Dan, when the heck was that NYC conference?

<ChasH> hi there

<Jeremy> Welcome, ChasH!

<harries> seems like AGES ago. two years ago.

<harries> so much seems to have happened since then.

<ChasH> I'm not sure my expertise is exactly on topic, but I'm just pleased that you've organised a time that I can join in, and stay awake!!

<Jeremy> Dan, there're a couple of Australins here today.

<harries> I was looking over my notes for that presentation the other day and had a chuckle over

<harries> who are the aussies?

<Jeremy> Australians, Dan used to live Down Under.

<Jeremy> ChasH: where you joining us from?

<ChasH> London, UK

<Jeremy> Well, ain't we international today!

<Jeremy> Kate & Scott from Australia.

<Jeremy> Brent and I from Alabama

<Jeremy> harries (Dan) from LA.

<Jeremy> Isn't chat wild?

<Kate> I'm just having a little background trouble with technology -- might have to check in and out

<Brent> Dan. I'd like to hear a bit about the status of the AFI film on the 'net project. What's your involvement with that?

<harries> I don't like the width of my typing window on this thing. Once I go past the right border, I can't see what I am typing....!

<Jeremy> Durn!

<Jeremy> You're using the Web-based Java client, Dan?

<Jeremy> If you really get into IRC, you oughta load up IRCLE or some other IRC-specific client.

<Jeremy> Makes the chatting a lot easier.

<harries> yes, i guess. I just logged into the web page and it's running Applet jirc

<harries> remember, I'm a Mac boy

<Jeremy> As are Kate and Scott...

<Jeremy> Kate can give you info on Mac IRC clients.

<scott_m> Nope. Win95 for me, Jeremy.

<harries> OK, should I talk a bit about this AFI OnLine Cinema stuff?

<Jeremy> Yeah, why doncha...

<Jeremy> That'd be a good place for us to start.

<harries> The project originated out of my department here at the AFI and was quite easy to achieve once VDOnet agreed to do all the dirty tech work for free.

Dalooz [~java@] has joined #ScreenChat

<Jeremy> Ahhh...interesting...

<Jeremy> So what platform does it run on?

<harries> Kate: please send it to me at thanks

Marg [~ircle@] has joined #ScreenChat

<harries> well, the files are basic avi files, so anything BUT Mac OS servers, which we run here.

<Jeremy> So, is the server actually onsite at the AFI, or does VDOnet do it all?

<ChasH> can you fill me in a little on the background?

<harries> So, basically, we send a BETA-SP tape up to VDO, they compress and place it on their server.

<harries> Then, the user enters our www site and enters the "theater." We then "embed" the VDO URL for the avi file and it slips into the interface.

<Jeremy> (Dalooz, Marg: Dan Harries is telling us about the films on the Web project that the AFI is doing)

<harries> So, people are really only logged into our server to get the interface graphics and then shoot off to vdo, although they don't know that.

<scott_m> Do you need any special plugins, harries?

<Jeremy> I really like the proscenium graphic you're using.

<ChasH> can someone give me the URL?

<harries> Yes, one from VDO or the player as helper for Macs.


<scott_m> Is the VDO plugin freeware?

<Jeremy> 'Course the two main limitations are image size and frames per second rate.

<harries> indeed, free

<Jeremy> How does the fps work, Dan? Didn't you say (in e-mail) that it's VARIABLE?

<Brent> What is the frames per second rate?

<Jeremy> That surprised me.

<harries> The graphics were designed by our designer, Todd Hughes, who made composites of a number of old picture palaces.

<Jeremy> Cool!

<harries> Yes, fps ranges from 6fps to 30.

<Jeremy> It actually gets up to 30??

<harries> It mostly depends on Internet traffic we have found. At its best on our T-1 here, it has video quality. AT its worse, it looks like 28.8 at its best....

<Jeremy> I wonder what Chaplin originall shot it at?

<harries> I think 20 fps

<Jeremy> Does AFIonline have its own T1, or do you share it?

<harries> We have tried it from a 14.4, but can't keep rolling.

<Brent> So, when it's compressed does the program "sense" that a reduced FPS rate will work? And then bumps it up to 30 fps when things get hoppin'?

<harries> We have our own - connected to CERFnet.

<Jeremy> I've tried it here at UAlabama--where the entire university shares a single T1 line.

<harries> Kind of. The program "stores" a slight buffer and then unloads to keep it flowing.

<Jeremy> The fps looks to be running at the minimum for motion--6-10 fps.

<Jeremy> So, the fps depends entirely upon the amount of Web traffic...

<harries> yes.

<Jeremy> ...and not on the actoin in the original film?

<harries> yes.

<Jeremy> Does VDO have plans for increasing the compression?

<harries> It's amazing to see it at its best - although it is in the small screen.

<Jeremy> ...whcih I take to be necessary for a larger image and higher fps.

<Brent> This is a case where it may be best to be the LAST one in the ticket line.

<harries> yes, although the compression is already ahead of "pipe size" of the Internet, so they can't do any better until pipes are wideneed

<Jeremy> How many connections can VDO handle simultaneously?

<harries> right now we have it set at 200

<Jeremy> Wow!

<Jeremy> That's some serious data hauling!

<harries> So far, since Han 22, over 70,000 people have watched the flick.

<harries> Even more amazing, over 80% watch the entire 22 minutes.

<Jeremy> Yipes!

<Jeremy> So, what's next: Keaton?

<Jeremy> (I'm assuming you're sticking with public domain films.)

<harries> The Boat (1921) slotted for March 3.

<harries> Actually, it's not the public domain-ness which is the sticking point.

<harries> It's the added music and title cards!

<Jeremy> Can one only receive these movies in streaming form? Or can you download the file and play it locally?

<harries> We are very lucky to be hooked up with David Shepard, who owns the former Blackhawk films.

<Jeremy> Yeah, I was surprised to have the images accompanied by music.

<Jeremy> I thought it'd be silent.

<Brent> Soon it might be a common misconception that they are called "flicks" because of the reduced FPS on the web.

<Jeremy> The music quality was quite decent, too.

<harries> We felt it was important to have sound since it obviously adds to the wow factor and,a s we know, they are meant to be seen with audio

<Jeremy> Any plans yet for other films?

<ChasH> well, I'm downloading the plug-in as we speak. Can't wait to try it out.

Jeremy wonders if the Aussies are dozing.

<harries> I will be talking to Harold Lloyd's granddaughter and head of his estate about a film from her - to be launched on April 20th, Harold's birthday.

scott_m is yawning but fascinated.

<Jeremy> Neat!

<harries> Can I make those stars???

Kate is liking the sound of all this

<Jeremy> Stars? You mean IRC "actions"?

<harries> Was Kate going to email me the program"

Marg [~ircle@] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

<Kate> I wonder if the Australian Film Institute might do the same thing, or the National Film & Sound Archive

Jeremy2 [~java@] has joined #ScreenChat

<Jeremy2> And now I'm over here...


<scott_m> harries: I'll email it to you now.

<harries> I really don't know why more people do it (or hadn't done it previously)....

<Jeremy> (Dan: the Web based client does not allow "actions.")

<harries> ahhh, gracias.

<Jeremy> What does VDO charge for the server software?

<harries> Jeremy: Have you grown your hair back?

Jeremy2 [~java@] has quit IRC (Leaving)

<Jeremy> Nope, getting shorter and shorter... Check it out at:

<Jeremy> See ScreenChat Central in action!

<ChasH> Have you thought of using the VDO to embed clips into something more discursive, or is that a stupid question?

<harries> sorry.......It's based on number of user channels. I don't actually recall the pricing. VDO is pretty cool about temp hosting of these kinds of prohjects.

Dalooz [~java@] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

<Jeremy> "temp hosting"? What do you mean by that?

<harries> Yes. We are now working on a big Martin Scorsese site (in honor of his upcoming Life Achievement Award) and might use some VDO streaming for that.

<harries> Phone call. I'll be right back

Marg [~ircle@] has joined #ScreenChat

<Jeremy> ChasH: Do you have any Internet projects you'd like to tell the group about?

scott_m is now known as straw

straw is now known as scott

<scott> There that's better.

<Jeremy> Oh, MUCH better.

<scott> :)

<ChasH> Not specifically. I write about the net, and in particular ways of using the net for research and other kinds of "serious" things.

<ChasH> I also use it myself for researching screenplays.

<Jeremy> Okey doke.

<Jeremy> Kate/Marg/Scott: Mebbe you could update us on yer Web/Chat/'Net projects.

<scott> You mean the net can be used for 'serious things'? :)

<ChasH> I'm interested in how it can be used for wider things - and am considering setting up a web site to advertise a short I'm just selling to Channel 4 - got the contract through today :-)

Jeremy wonders if the caffeine has kicked in Down Under.

<scott> Um...

<Jeremy> What kind of short, ChasH?

<Marg> I keep being disconnected J

<Jeremy> (Sorry 'bout that, Marg.)

<Jeremy> ChasH: Brent is a video doc producer here at the Center for Public Television and Radio.

<ChasH> It's a drama short, which we've set up to help us make our feature. Yardies (Jamaican gangsters in London, "Posses" to you in the US) and good jungle music.

<ChasH> Hi, Brent

Robertk [~java@] has joined #ScreenChat

<Jeremy> You might want to check Brent's CPT&R Web site for ideas.

<Jeremy> What's theURL, Brent?

<Jeremy> Greetings, Robert.

<Robertk> Hello, What's the topic?

<Brent> Greetings. http:\\www.cpt& (I think)

<Jeremy> FORWARD slashes, Brent, FORWARD.

<Jeremy> This ain't MS-DOS any more.

<Brent> picky, picky, picky

<scott> Right now we're trying to introduce the internet into a first year subject.

<ChasH> Is this "I think" URL an example of that fuzzy logic I keep hearing about ;-)

<Jeremy> The topic, Robert, is film/TV-oriented Internet projects 'round the globe.

<Brent> http://www/cpt&, if you are cutting and pasting

<ChasH> I'm trying to cut and paste but for some reason my newly installed mIrc won't let me!

<scott> No, it won't ChasH.

<Robertk> Cool. Does everyone know about the film issue of PostModern Culture coming up next January?

<Jeremy> The CORRECT URL, Brent, is

ChasH sulks in the corner

<Marg> finally

<Kate> A round of applause from the southern hemisphere Brent

<Jeremy> What's the PMC issue going to include, Robert?

<Jeremy> And what's its URL (Brent wants to know).

Brent stews

<Robertk> PMC is at Virginia's Institute for Advanced Technology in the humanities: The film issue will contain a variety of essays, all of which will use multimedia capabilities of the Web.

<ChasH> well, it's the right URL for cpt&r, I'm looking at it now

scott Marg Yeah, I think I've got a bit of a lag thang happenin'

Jeremy marvels at the Internet.

<Jeremy> Robert: Do you have a piece in it?

<Robertk> I'm editing it.

scott wonders what he just did wrong.:)

<Jeremy> Who are some of the contributors?

<Brent> ChasH, send me the URL about your short when it's up.

<Robertk> Also, I've just discovered an online journal called images--at is doing very nice film related stuff, with moving images.

<ChasH> shall do.

Marg [~ircle@] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

<Jeremy> Hmmm...don't know that one.

<Kate> Jeremy, is this chat being archived?

<Jeremy> Yep.

<scott> I'm logging it, too, Kate.

<Jeremy> I'll put it up on the ScreenChat Web page later.

<Robertk> We're in proposal stage, right now, so I can't give a definite list. But there will be material about "The Killing," Hong Kong Film, Pearl Harbor Documentaries, and about everything in between.

<Brent> Great. I can be made fun of through the ages.

ChasH [~charlie@] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)

Chazza [~charlie@] has joined #ScreenChat

<Jeremy> Incidentally, Jim Castonguay has put together a good selection of online journals and other research resources on ScreenSite's research page:


Chazza is now known as ChasH

ChasH reveals his true face!

Marg [~ircle@] has joined #ScreenChat

<ChasH> Sorry, got cut off for a moment

<Jeremy> So, Kate, update us on your 'Net projects.

<Robertk> Has anyone had any experience teaching film courses using an Internet component for the course?

<Kate> J & R, we're just looking at the start of a new, large first-year subject

<Kate> It's at the design stage and the delivery stage simultaneously, which is reasonably terrifying

<Jeremy> Good question, Robert...let's follow up on that in a sec.

<Kate> But we're keeping it very simple

<Jeremy> "first-year subject"? Could you elaborate?

<Kate> 100 level -- incoming undergraduates, some with no computer experience, let alone net experience

<Jeremy> And what sort of projects do you envision them doing?

<Kate> Marg's the coordinator -- she can give you a better idea.

<Kate> Scott and I are just researching feasibility of training etc. at this stage

<Kate> Interesting that most of this teaching has been done with upperlevel or postgrad subjects

<Jeremy> (Kate is at the University of Wollongong, near Sidney, Australia.)

<scott> Sydney

<scott> :)

<Kate> And the winner is ... Siderney

Jeremy is covered with shame.

<scott> LOL

<Kate> It's Jeremy Samaranch! That's what he does in his spare time.

<Brent> An error that egregious kind puts an inverted slash in a URL in proper persepctive, eh?

<Jeremy> Is Marg sufficiently stabilized (IRC-wise) that she could fill us in a bit?

<Marg> touche

Robertk [~java@] has quit IRC (Leaving)

<ChasH> Any screenwriting elements in your course?

<Kate> ChasH, not this course, but that would be a good area to get into

<harries> Dan Harries back again.

Jeremy salutes Dan.

<Marg> I'm here, Jeremy, but I wouldn't say i was stabilized

<Jeremy> I'm sorry we lost Robert.

<Kate> The other thing we're looking at is that as Wollongong is not all that near SYDNEY Australia, we can use something like IRC to put groups of students in touch with others elsewhere

<Kate> Invited speakers etc. etc.

<scott> Dan, can you give me your email address so I can shoot IRCLE off to you?

<Jeremy> I wanted to get into the notion ofusing the 'Net for film/TV instruction.

<ChasH> Shoot

<Kate> So we are looking quite carefully at educational uses for IRC, traffic issues etc.

<Kate> Scott, I've sent it!

<Jeremy> Have you done any pilot studies, as it were?

<Jeremy> Any courses acutally basedon IRC?

<scott> Ah! Thanks, Kate.

<Kate> No, we're just checking out local (university) issues including pressure on the connection between Wollongong and the rest of the world. IRC is v. unpopular with the administration here

<Jeremy> Yeah, I think it's commonly seen as a resource hawg.

<Brent> Nice chatting with everyone. Gotta go. Gonna check out that AFI site.