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SCREENsite is structured much like a conventional book. Consequently, the best place to begin is its Table of Contents, which provides a general outline of SCREENsite.

One can navigate SCREENsite faster than most books, however. Like all Web sites, SCREENsite materials are connected to one another through hypertext links. Hypertext links--such as the words "Table of Contents"--let you zip immediately from one location to another. Indeed, if you choose one of the following, you'll hop over to an index for each specific area within SCREENsite:

To return to the Table of Contents later, or if you happen to get lost, just click on the "go to top" arrow. Here's one to practice on:

If your browser does not use icons, select the bracketed word [CONTENTS], when it is highlighted.

Getting SCREENsite Help

Context-sensitive help (that is, help pertaining to a specific area of SCREENsite) is available wherever you see this icon:

If your browser doesn't display images, just look for the highlighted word [HELP]. Usually it'll be at the top of a page.

In addition, most locations in SCREENsite are "signed" by their authors--including their e-mail addresses. You can usually get help by e-mailing the author for more information.

For general information on, queries about, or problems with SCREENsite, e-mail our Webmaster (Webmaster@tcf.ua.edu). Please try to be as specific as possible when describing any problems with SCREENsite.


"Webmaster," incidentally, is common jargon for the person in charge of a WWW site--functioning much like the postmaster of a post office. You'll often see references to "webmaster" on SCREENsite. The term also serves as a generic title to refer to the SCREENsite staff. That's why comments, problems or questions about SCREENsite are best sent to Webmaster (webmaster@tcf.ua.edu).

Getting Help on the World Wide Web

Patrick Crispen's Internet Roadmap is an Internet training workshop designed to teach new 'Net travellers how to navigate the rapidly expanding (and often times confusing) information superhighway without getting lost. All of the "lessons" from this entertaining and informative tutorial are collected at this site.

The Electronic Freedom Foundation's Guide to the Internet (formerly known as The Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet) is a helpful overview.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the World Wide Web introduces the World Wide Web project (of which SCREENsite is a tiny part) and describes WWW concepts, software, and access methods.

Serenity and the World Wide Web

When moving around the Web, it helps to adopt a Zen-like serenity. Since the Web is little more than organized chaos, it's not unusual for parts of it to go down for hours or days or even weeks. If you have trouble connecting to something on SCREENsite, stay serene, repeat your favorite mantra, and come back to it later.

The beauty of the Web is the ease with which users can place material on it. This, unfortunately, also means that this material may easily move around on or disappear entirely from the Web.

In short, stay flexible, expect a little down time, and your visits to the Web will be much more pleasant.

Last modified: 5/22/96 4:29:12 PM
Comments: SCREENsite Webmaster (Webmaster@tcf.ua.edu)