Here is the Table of Contents for JUMP CUT No. 40 which was published in March, 1996. You can get this issue by sending $8.00 (abroad $10) to JUMP CUT. We expect to publish JC #41 next winter sometime. Subscribe and don't miss an issue.

Hollywood dreams: HOOP DREAMS (Steve James, 1994)
Murray Sperber

Hollywood realities: HOOP DREAMS (Steve James, 1994)
Lee Jones

A short history of Disney-fascism: THE LION KING (Robert Minkoff and Rogers Allers, 1994)
Matt Roth

Imperial travels in WIDE SARASSO SEA (John Duigan, 1992)
Carey Snider and Eric Anders

PBS's postmodern museum
Laura Denham

Total exlipse ofhe SUN: interview with Guy Aoki (RISING SUN, Phillip Kaufman, 1993)
Robert Payne

Black autobiographical documentary: FINDING CHRISTA (Camille Bilops and James Hatch, 1991) and IN SEARCH OF OUR FATHERS (Marco Williams, 1992)
Jim Lane

The queer as producer: THE MAKING OF 'MONSTERS' (John Greyson, 1991)
R. Bruce Brassell


Character, context, and the Wolof language in MANDABI (Ousmane Semene, 1968)
Sada Niang

Returning to the African village: SANGO MALO (Bassek Bakhobio, 1991) and TA DONA (Adama Drabo, 1991)
Johathan Haynes

Colonial oservations: interview with Claire Dennis
Mark Reid

Working class girls and popular music in Taiwan
Fang-Chih Yang


Hard men, soft men--cinematic manliness: reviews of Men, Women and Chainsaws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film and Hard Bodies: Hollywood Masculinity in the Reagan Era
Marian Jebb

Model for European TV and national identity--instructiions for assembly not incuded: review of National Identity and Europe: The Television Revolution
Richard Maxwell

Radicalizing multiculturalism: review of Unthinking Eurocentrism: Multiculturalism and the Media
Ilene Goldman


Chuck Kleinhans

Pornographies, pleasures and pedagogies in he U. K. and the U.S.
Pat Kirkham and Beverley Skeggs

Stepping across Broadway: media scholars teaching pornography
Ramona curry

Some pragmatics in teaching sexual images
Chuck Kleinhans

Teaching the Body Course
Kate Kane

Straight women, gay porn, and the scene of erotic looking
Laura U. Marks


JUMP CUT goes on line, sort of
John Hess, Chuck Kleinhans, and Julia Lesage