Updates on SCREENsite's progress
We're working on becoming more accessible to users whose first
language is not English. To that end, a team of volunteer translators
has been laboring away on our opening pages: Yang Gao (Chinese), Philippe Mather (French), Claudia Smith (German), José María Castro Cerón and Carolyn Hales (Spanish), and Bert Deivert (Swedish). ¡Muchas gracias!
Put an Alabama map on the Acknowledgements page.
One can never have too many maps. And
Lycos gave us this one for free!
Been wondering what time it currently is in the Central Time Zone, where
SCREENsite spends its days (and, during the summer, curses that Daylight
Savings Time: daylight! bah!)? The U.S. military provides the time up to
the millisecond so we thought we'd show our patriotism by displaying their
clock right on our Table of Contents. Long may
she wave...er...tick.
5/29/96 9:27:04 PM
<blush> Added an accolades section to chronicle
what the critics have said about SCREENsite.
5/22/96 3:42:34 PM
SCREENsite now has an index which may be searched.
At long last! The kind folks at Excite,
Inc. provide this free search engine to any Web site. Awful nice of them!
You can search SCREENsite wherever you see this icon:
1/23/96 10:00:00 PM
Began work on the The SCREENsite Index of Material
Wholly--And We Do Mean Wholly--Unrelated to the Study of Film and
Television section of SCREENsite. Figures that we'd start with two nipple
sites and work from there.
1/23/96 8:30:34 PM
Another favorable notice for SCREENsite! This one's in Joe Williams
on the Net. He says we do our work here "with a perceptible spirit
of fun." Thanks for noticing, Joe!
11/26/95 12:18:54 PM
New section added for scholarly conference
11/17/95 4:56:43 PM
The SCREENsite Support Staff is walking a little taller this week because
we've just been awarded a
badge this week. Thanks, Point
Communications, for the pat on the back! Check out
their review for yourself.
10/9/95 9:53:37 AM
Jim Castonguay has been laboring away on SCREENsite's links to the publishing
world--both book publishers and
journals/magazines. The result is an
excellent guide to materials both on- and off-line.
10/9/95 9:43:31 AM
Cool counters have been installed on many SCREENsite pages--e.g.,
(The counters were created by the Community
Futures Development Corporation of the North Okanagan, British Columbia.)
Now we can keep track of just how busy SCREENsite is, and which areas are
the most/least useful. Yes, Big Brother is watching.
10/5/95 4:13:13 PM
Greatly expanded the listing of Web sites for
college programs in film/TV/media.
You will now find over 50 sites listed and pointers to general college guides
such as Peterson's Education Center. It's a great way to obtain information
about both major film/TV/media programs (e.g., Iowa, USC, NYU, Northwestern)
as well as more modest offerings.
8/27/95 5:12:12 PM
SCREENsite's Guide to Searching the Web brings together
the most popular search engines (devices for finding Web materials)
and offers tips on using them.
7/31/95 4:02:06 PM
Converted (finally!) from Mac Word format and then added the University Film
and Video Association's listing of student
friendly film/video festivals. (A big thank-you to Dave Kluft for
sending it our way!) Also put in a pointer to another
massive list of
festivals collected by the folks at Delta-9/Eden Matrix Independent Film.
7/23/95 11:16:53 AM
Added the Comments Form--a no muss, no fuss method
for sending comments to SCREENsite's Webmaster. You'll see its sharp little
icon turning up on many SCREENsite pages (like this one!):
7/23/95 11:23:45 AM
Put a little color into the SCREENsite Table of
Contents. Them HTML 3.0 extensions is fan-tastic!
Jul 10, 1995
Added NAMID's Genre Terms for Moving Image
Materials. A list of genre and form headings, designed to standardize
terms used by catalogers in identifying moving image materials. Developed
by the National Moving Image Database (NAMID) Standards Committee of the
National Center for Film and Video Preservation (NCFVP) at the American Film
Institute. Thanks to Brian Taves for forwarding it to us.
Feb 22, 1995
Added the Reference
Shelf--a handy collection of film credits, dictionaries, the MLA/APA
style guide, zip and postal code info, weather reports, and plenty more.
Compiled by ace Web surfer Cal Pryluck. Thanks, Cal!
Feb 19, 1995
Resume Service begun for those searching
for a college-level job teaching film/TV/Video. The
Employment Office is spruced up, too.
Feb 17, 1995
Added a major new section to our Table of Contents:
Film/TV/Video Production . This section contains
pointers to film studios and television stations/networks. In the future,
we'll be adding documents related to the actual production of film/TV/video
and other media.
Feb 2, 1995
SCREENsite's hard drive crashes the day after the announcements go out. We're
down for five days. Holding back tears, the SCREENsite staff tries not to
take it as a portent.
Feb 1, 1995
Official announcements of SCREENsite's Grand Opening posted around
the Web. Suitable fanfare ensues.
Jan 31, 1995
Constructed a primitive help system to guide users
through SCREENsite.
Jan 16, 1995
Added Jim Thompson's compendium of mail/phone-order
video sources. Thompson sketches rental/purchase policies, addresses,
phone numbers, and an evaluation of each source.
Included a pointer to a large
compilation of
gay, lesbian, and bisexual-centered films that Frank Swilling maintains.
He also lists film/video distributors of these titles.
Listed the films chosen for the National Registry of Film by the U.S. Congress.
Instructions on how to submit suggestions are included.
Began incorporating information on academic
associations/societies with some basic information on the Society for
Cinema Studies.
Added two new syllabi: The Fantastic and
the Postmodern in Film and Literature, by Russell Potter; and
Media Criticism, by Mark Poindexter.
Dec 7, 1994
The Postmodern America Tour: Travels
in Hyperreality. Jeremy Butler encounters Niagara Falls in miniature,
Trigger's hoofprint, and Whistling Dick. It's a new, illustrated essay available
in Cripes! A Humor 'Zine (a wholly owned subsidiary of SCREENsite).
Dec 5, 1994
Added too-cute, clickable icons. Began construction of a
help system.
Nov 28, 1994
Added academic job listing, from the
Society for Cinema Studies.
Nov 26, 1994
Added information on film/TV studies at the University of Alabama and
pointers to film/TV schools in Australia,
Scandinavia, and North America.
Nov 22, 1994
Folk, jazz, and roots music pointers added.
Nov 18, 1994
The various free-ranging discussions on
film/TV that can be found on the Internet are herded together in a new
SCREENsite section. Special mention is made of SCREENsite's sister discussion
group, SCREEN-L.
Nov 11, 1994
Created section for humorous
essays, and other non-teaching/research material. (We all need some sort
of release valve, don't we?)
Nov 10, 1994
Directory of film/TV educators' E-mail
addresses added.
Nov 1, 1994
Film/TV course syllabuses added.
Oct 24, 1994
SCREENsite goes online. Its appearance is greeted by a stunned silence.
Comments: SCREENsite Webmaster